Wie ein Holzhaus entsteht.
Dr. Peter Cottee aus England hat sich beim Bau seines Wohnhauses in Maishofen für ein individuell geplantes Holzhaus von Höck Holzbau entschieden.
Er ist sehr zufrieden mit der erstklassigen Ausführung und Unterstützung in allen Phasen der Bauabwicklung.

„From my first meeting with Sepp Hock, Managing Director of Hoeck Holzbau, I knew I had chosen the right company to re-build my house in Maishofen, Austria. Hoeck Holzbau organised for the knocking down and removal oft he original house and the building of a superb new property designed by Martin Hoeck."

"The quality of the workmanship, the attention to detail, the keeping to an agreed time-scale and cost was first class. Their knowledge of the environmental and building regulations (of which there are many in Austria) is crucial to ensure a trouble-free build. I have absolutely no hesitation in highly recommending Sepp and his team.“
Dr. Peter Cottee